Are you sick of providing new employees with the same training over and over and over again?

It can become repetitive and tedious to constantly teach the same training to new employees but there is a solution to fix that.

We present to you VIDEO TRAINING!

Video helps you hit all the learning preferences and provides a consistent and easily digestible solution for your audience. These are just a few reasons that you should be looking at video training for your learners.

Videos are a powerful tool in delivering content to your learners that will help improve their experience, understanding, and retention. In this article, we discuss six ways that video training can benefit your learners.

How Video Training Helps Learners

Makes Employee Training More Effective

When people consume educational content, they tend to forget approximately 63 percent of the content after one week. Pairing visuals with the content will improve that statistic. However, the visuals must be engaging

This is where video reigns. Video allows you to present the information with a natural rhythm and flow of visual, text, and audio that keeps your audience engaged. The learner can also pause, rewind, and replay to make sure that they have captured the pertinent information.

The addition of background music in a video also helps you to hit your learner’s emotional nerves. Sparking emotion in your training helps your audience to connect with the importance of the topic and can get their attention and buy-in.


Works on Mobile Devices

The world of online communication has gone mobile with a large percent of the population using their mobile devices to surf the web. You can reach more of your audience without limiting them to a specific device.

Video is perfect for delivering content that is in short because more information can be absorbed in less time than it takes someone to read it. Producing short videos gives the learner the flexibility to watch and process the videos when they are on the move. This content is great when they are waiting at a coffee shop, airport, or have to kill time.

There are a number of different options for distributing video training, making this option viable for businesses and organizations of any size.


Show Not Tell

Videos provide you, as the teacher, the ability to show almost anything. If you are creating a how-to tutorial video, you are able to show the learner the how-to process instead of explaining it to them. Videos have the capacity to show visual and auditory aids to help the learner better understand the steps.

Using video helps eliminate some uncertainty when you are trying to teach a step by step process. By showing the steps in video format, it allows learners to see the process that otherwise might have been misinterpreted if it was presented just with words.

People learn by visual, auditory and kinesthetic modes, and video provides all three. Video clearly has visual and auditory components but can be kinesthetic because the learner can follow along and do the steps at the same time. If they are watching a tutorial video, they can pause after watching each step and try it themselves. This gives the learner a hands-on learning experience.


Great For Chunking Your Content

People learn best when information is presented in small, easily digested chunks. People also learn best when they can access the information that they need when they need it. Video training is your friend on both accounts. 

Videos can easily be broken down into short segments. To the learner, 20 three minutes videos are better than a 1-hour long video because the information is divided into more manageable pieces. The learner is able to watch through individual videos instead of having to find their spot again in long-form content.

This tactic for training helps the learner’s overall retention of the subject by using short videos as a form of microlearning and just-in-time training.


Learners Can Learn On Their Own Time

Video training can often be accessed anywhere, anytime, and on any device giving your learners a heightened ability to learn on their own time and at their own pace. 

With video, you can quickly see the length of the lesson, making it easier to schedule a set time to watch or to fit in watching one, when you have just a few minutes available. It also eliminates any scheduling conflicts a learner may have. If the content is only available during the scheduled class time there is always the possibility something may come up and they’ll have to miss the lesson. 

If you are offering instructor-led training then another way to help your audience is to record the lesson, whether it is online or in a classroom, and send all of the learners a copy of the video so that they can go back and re-watch the lessons if they wish to review the content or watch something that they missed.


Easier to Share Information

With the help of the internet, publicly available hosting platforms, and social media, sharing your videos with your learners is easier than ever. You can host your videos on platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo and make them only available to your learners or make them publicly available. These platforms eliminate the worry about online storage for your content and give you the ability to deliver education to your learners with ease.



Here’s a recap of six reasons that you should start using video training:

  • Makes employee training more effective by presenting information in an engaging format.
  • Works on mobile devices allowing the learner to watch it anywhere.
  • Videos are able to provide a visual aid to the learner.
  • Videos can be created as separate topics to help with the learner’s retention.
  • Learners can learn on their own time and pace to prevent scheduling conflicts.
  • Easy to host and share videos online with your learners.


At Learn to Flourish, we are all about creating relevant, engaging, and effective eLearning and videos. If you want to increase the quality of your educational videos, get our free training on how to make great demonstration videos for your audience.

For more tips on video and eLearning creation, check out our blog for more articles such as How to Design Training They Will Want to Finish and how to create online education that people will love.

Wishing you inspiration, innovation, and continuous learning,

Lorena and the Learn to Flourish Team



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